Life In Movement!!!

Who wants to begin new life and why? And what does it mean to begin new life? Big question? New life is new challenge and when stars revolve and demand changes from us WE try to STAY moveless: we are afraid of, we became more close to OUR friends, classmates, schoolmates, and are HAPPY. But when we go to sleep at night out inner DEMONS, as we used to call them they bother us. We get angry and begin to fight. Whom to fight with? Of course with things that change, with people who doesn't afraid of change, And who those people are WHO doesn't afraid of change? They are happy individuals who see those opportunities that stars give them and follow it, but then they see, realize after some conflicts, that they are not free, because those FRIENDS of each other, with false COMMUNITIES, which are created to just carry each other in 'SPECIFIC' situation till land is seen, but at the same time carry their own, individual responsibilities, that cannot be united in ANY kind of group, they stumble and fight. That's all. Everyone is attached with own responsibility, it's HAPPINESS in fact, but they name it disaster and sin and ... Only people who join stars and their impulses, that need soul movement, free and alive soul, can join each other not losing and creating true community, which is friendship and love. I change and happy and have friends, true friends. 
Ketevan Blue Zazo Charkhalashvili